

活动时间:2023年01月04日 00:00 至 2023年12月31日 00:00 已结束























1.万世师表·孔子Confucius Change The World For The Better

At the time when Confucius lived, there were many wars in China. There was no law and order at all. Confucius tried very hard to think up a way to make the world a better place to live. Was he successful? Could he change the world for the better? Did you know till today China celebrates Teacher’s Day on September 10 every year in honour of Confucius, the Great Teacher! Let’s find out how Confucius changed the world for the better! 


2.“药圣”李时珍Li Shizhen The Amazing Herbs(TCM Doctor)

What do you know about herbs? For hundreds of years, they have been used as medicine in China and have saved many people’s lives. One person, in particular, did a lot to help people understand the proper use of herbs in Chinese medicine. His name was Li Shizhen. He is known as the father of traditional Chinese medicine and his book, the BEN CAO GANMU, is one of the best works on Chinese medicines ever. Who was Li Shizhen? Let’s find out how persimmons can clear away excessive internal heat and calm the mind as well as other health benefits. 

你对草药了解多少?几百年来,它们在中国一直被用作药物,并拯救了许多人的生命。有一个人,在帮助人们了解中医对草药的正确使用方面做了很多工作。他的名字是李时珍。他被称为中国传统医学之父,他的《本草纲目》是有史以来最好的中医药著作之一。 是什么让李时珍费尽心力,写出了医学著作《本草纲目》? 又是什么让他辞去京城太医院的工作? 他的人生追求到底是什么?

 3.明朝航海家外交官郑和 On and On We Sail(Zheng He)

Let’s go back six hundred years, when there were no satellites or google maps. Yet one man called Zheng He led seven ocean expeditions that are unmatched in world history. Zheng He’s ships sailed to many unknown places. He discovered what was out there and spread the glory of China to as many countries as possible. Who was Zheng He? Let’s find out some scientific facts on the wind. What causes the wind to come? 

回到六百年前,那时还没有卫星或谷歌地图。然而,有一个叫郑和的人领导了七次海洋探险,这在世界历史上是无可比拟的。郑和的船只航行到许多未知的地方。他发现了外面的世界,并将中国的荣耀传播到尽可能多的国家。郑和是谁?为什么要出海航行?在当时又有什么影响? 本书还有很多关于风和浮力的科学实验,等你来探究。

 4.英国文学戏剧之父莎士比亚 It’s Pure Magic(William Shakespeare)

In all the world of storytelling, William Shakespeare has become one of the greatest. He told every kind of story, comedy, tragedy, history, adventure, love stories and fairy tales. Till today many people all over the world read Shakespeare’s play. Shakespeare wanted his audience to enjoy his plays. But he also wanted to help them think for themselves. What makes Shakespeare plays so interesting? Let’s find out how fast did Shakespeare write? During Shakespeare’s lifetime, how many plays he wrote. Do you know Shakespeare’s plays were translated and performed in 70 languages?


 5. 现代艺术之父梵高 I Paint My Dream (Vincent Van Gogh)

Vincent Van Gogh is known as one of the greatest painters in history. But during his life, nobody liked his drawings. Everybody thought they were just jokes. Everybody thought Van Gogh was just a crazy man. Van Gogh didn’t care; he just wanted to follow his own heart. Who Was Vincent Van Gogh? Let’s find out which painting of Van Gogh become the most famous paintings in the world today. 



 6.假如给我三天光明 海伦·凯勒 A Hard Battle To Fight (Helen Keller)

Helen Keller was the first deaf-blind person to finish university. She could not see, but she read a lot. She could not hear, but she wrote many books. How could a deaf-blind girl do something so incredible? Let’s find out why we blink our eyes an average of 15,000 times a day. Each Inspiring People book you read about gives you some scientific facts and figures on every GREAT PEOPLE you read. 


 7.近代物理学之父牛顿 Why Do things Fall? (Sir Issac Newton)

Isaac Newton was just curious about everything around him. Sometimes he had crazy ideas. Why do things fall to the ground? Is the moon falling, too? Why doesn’t it ever hit the ground? It was as if Newton was born to think. Whenever he thought of a question, he would try to find the answers in any way he could. Who is Isaac newton? Let’s find out? 

萨克-牛顿只是对他周围的一切感到好奇。有时他有一些疯狂的想法。为什么东西会掉到地上?月亮也会坠落吗?为什么它不曾落地?就好像牛顿生来就是为了思考。每当他想到一个问题,他就会想尽一切办法去寻找答案。 你是否拥有像他一样敏锐的观察力和爱思考的大脑?

 8.近代科学之父伽利略 Far Beyond The Sky (Galileo Galilei)

It was a time when the telescope was a new invention. It was a time when people still believed the Earth was the centre of the Universe. Up until then, people had only been able to guess what the Universe was like, but Galileo Galilei was going to look at it himself and find out the truth. Who was Galileo Galilei? Let"s find out. 


 9. 西方音乐之父莫扎特 The Music Lives On (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

Mozart was making music before he could write. He gave his first concert when he was six. He wrote over 600 works during his short lifetime. Nowadays, whenever people gather to talk about musical genius, his name almost comes up first. Who was Mozart? Do you know Mozart composed the famous nursery rhyme? “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” Let’s find out more? 

莫扎特在会写字之前就开始创作音乐。他在6岁时就举办了他的第一场音乐会。在他短暂的一生中,他写了600多部作品。如今,每当人们聚集在一起谈论音乐天才时,他的名字几乎会首先出现。 你知道莫扎特创作了那首著名的童谣吗? "一闪一闪亮晶晶,小星星 ",读完这本书,带你了解音乐天才的更多故事。 

10.提灯天使 近代护理学创始人南丁格尔 The Dog and The Dream (Florence Nightingale)

Florence Nightingale could have lived a comfortable lifestyle with no worries, but she chose a different path. At the time when she was born, only girls from needy families worked in dirty hospitals. It was a dog and a dream that had led her into nursing. How did this come about? Let’s find out. Stories 50 pages + 10 pages of scientific facts and figures. 

